Pause a Moment

The act of entering into the mysteries of the soul without sentimentality or pessimism encourages life to blossom forth according to its own design, and with its own unpredictable beauty.

Pause for a Moment

The care of the Soul is a sacred thing. Tread carefully, with love.

Pause for a Moment

The soul lies between understanding and unconscious and its instrument, the imagination.

Time passes

Gosh! When I closed my reflexology clinic on March 23rd the beech trees were just coming to life with yellow-lime silver-haloed pairs of leaves hanging down from a few branches like unfurling butterfly wings. Daffodils were in bloom in the garden. Since then, they have been replaced by tulips, alliums, weigela, all of which have come and gone. Mountain ash trees have flowered, cherry and apple trees have been smothered in blossom…

Now, as I open the clinic in August, the trees have settled down into late-summer dark green, some have even started to withdraw chlorophyll from their outermost branches, giving the leaves an ochre blush. Nature has settled down to the serious business of ripening nuts, fruit and grain ready for harvesting.

All this time, many of us have had to lead a very different life; put life on hold, stop work, stay in, teach children at home. I know for many, life was even more stressful and frantic, with work a constant drain on energy, emotions and resilience. 

Now, are we emerging from that or not?  Some days we are; some days we don’t seem to be. What happens next is up to us may be. Are we going to do what we can to re-build, redesign our businesses into a more positive and optimistic future? Are we going to allow fear-inducing newscasts to disempower us (take notice of all those subtle, emotive adjectives and verbs that slide into a news report that should be factual)? Will we remain frozen, filled with negative thoughts and emotions of contraction or will we allow our thoughts and imaginations to be more expansive, more optimistic? Balance imagination with good business practice; keeping our feet on the ground as our minds soar?

It is up to us.

Every best wish and blessing to each of you, your family and businesses in the coming months and years. Wendy


My sincere apologies to those who may have been upset by my reference in the last post to “human lives matter”.

This was, in no way, intended to minimise the message of ‘Black Lives Matter’ arising out of George Floyd’s death. Like so many around the world, I was aghast at such determination to end one person’s life. May George’s death be the catalyst to more understanding and tolerance between all peoples and races.

My comment was made in response to the presently necessary dependence on technology to interact with each other. The phrase was included as a call to remember our essential, basic humanity.

Thank you for your understanding. Wendy

The Most Essential Mineral

magnesium rich foods

Something a bit more left brained today – looking at Magnesium, a mineral that is vital for so many aspects of our biochemistry and health. It plays a part in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body – energy production, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins and transmission of nerve impulses amongst many others. 


Where angels fear to tread…

    This week I am treading where angels fear to tread, because it is like the elephant in the room. I want to share something about grief and loss.


We are all connected…

Quantum physics tells us that we are all connected. Everything is connected to everything. This is not an easy concept to place in our view of the world. We all look separate enough. However, whatever else the corona virus has resulted in, it has shown us how connected we are.


Building Natural Resistance

The COVID-19 virus is still not completely understood. However, we need not feel helpless in the face of this stranger.

Conella Holding, a well-established supplement provider based on Naturopathic principles and tuition has posted this blog about supporting our immune system. Many companies are doing this, but it is helpful to see the same problem approached in different ways.

I hope you find it useful.

How are you getting on?

Are you finding our situation just a bit strange? Going on too long? Getting ‘cabin fever’? Not home schooling again!

Life these last (how many) weeks has been a roller coaster for many. Some days it is ok; other days it is awful; even the morning can be fine, then all fall to pieces by 1400hrs.

This is an interesting blog from Cytoplan. There may be something here to help you along more smoothly.

Please enjoy

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