Dinosaurs To Brain Health

The link is a tree that was growing at the same time as dinosaurs, Ginkgo biloba. It has distictive shaped leaves, so the fossilised leaves were easily identified. Not the same tree obviously, but this species of tree is still with us and a very attractive tree it is.

The leaves have many health-giving properties, mainly associated with blood flow to the brain but it also supports blood flow to the rest of the body.

There are lots of reasons why these leaves are so good for us – all a bit technical. Interesting for me but perhaps not for you so I will go straight to the ways in which Ginkgo can help our health.

Cognitive decline and mental health.

Trials have shown improvement in cognitive performance when GBE (ginkgo biloba extract) is given to those already diagnosed with this condition. (240mg daily)

Memory Loss

A study of 188 healthy subjects reported GBE as improving memory recall after 6 weeks. (180-240mg daily)


A trial of 136 elderly patients found GBE improved the effects of anti-depression medication. Reducing the serum levels of a marker for brain stem injury suggests GBE helps improve depression by restoring neurological function. (60mg daily)


A study of young people suffering from general anxiety reported a reduction of symptoms after 4 weeks of taking GBE.

Cardiovascular Health


GBE’s anti-oxidant properties help prevent LDL cholesterol from oxidising making it less likely to form atherogenic foam cells, which can stick to artery walls.


High blood pressure. There is some evidence that GBE maybe helpful, but it was not across all trials. The jury’s out on this, but research goes on, I’m sure.

Metabolic Syndrome (MetS)

Patients with insulin resistance are at high risk if cardiovascular disease. GBE reduced risk by lowering the extent to which vascular plaque formed. More clinical trials are needed to establish whether or not GBE’s might improve MetS.

Peripheral Vascular Conditions

GBE is often used to help maintain circulation in the legs and hands. It may help reduce frequency and severity of cramp in legs and hands during exercise or when resting. GBE has been studied in conditions as wide ranging as acute mountain sickness, migraines, sleep quality, PMS syndrome, Raynaud’s disease (white finger), libido issues and tinnitus.  There is insufficient data to prove a statistical benefit I these cases. GBE is generally safe to take once any contra-indications with any medication has been cleared. If you already experience any of these conditions and are taking medications for it, it is best to chat to a doctor first. However, if you feel GBE may help you, I will be happy to check to discover if it is compatible and helpful for you. A caveat is that taken over a long period of time (years) without a break, it can cause a drop in platelet levels, with associated symptoms. 

If you are already experiencing any of these symptoms and taking medication for it, you must speak to your doctor before taking GBE.

Otherwise, you are welcome to see me to check if this supplement may help you.

This information has been provided by Lamberts and is supported by 36 references. These can be provided on request.

Wendy Guilfoyle, https://healthresolutions.co.uk

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