Why would I need to know about water crystals​? I’m very busy!

A water crystal exposed to the word Love

In the last post, (which WordPress seems to have swallowed!?), I wrote about how water can hold a pattern in its molecular structure1. The pattern changes, and therefore the molecular structure, according to the sounds directed at the water, which could include various sorts of music, words, prayers, conversations.

Plants and humans are at least 80% water. Therefore, the sounds with which we surround ourselves, will affect us physiologically. They actually change the shape of the intracellular organelles, mitochondria.

In the ’70’s, many experiments were done in America and Russia to discover what effect sound had on plants. They flourished if they were played music by Bach or Mozart, but died quite quickly if exposed to heavy metal rock! *

In some Japanese schools, an experiment was carried out on three jars of airtight jars containing cooked rice. One jar was exposed to the children saying things to it like “I hate you. You’re rubbish!” One jar was exposed to “I love you. You are beautiful”. The third jar was just ignored. This jar went brown; the abused jar went black and rotten; the praised jar stayed fresh and white.

Why would you be interested? If music or words of beauty and appreciation had such significant effects on plants and cooked rice, what effect are the words having that you say to yourself and to your workforce?

I wonder how your production and morale of your team would respond to words of appreciation and encouragement rather than being bombarded with criticism, nagging or other negative communications? I’m not suggesting you go around suddenly saying “I love you” to all your staff – the effect could be unwelcome! However, stop and think when you could say ‘well done’, ‘that was a good job’ or ‘thank you for getting here early. It makes for a positive start to the day’.**

Worth a gentle experiment in the name of quantum physics research?

1.   “Messages from Water” Dr. Masaru Emoto  *“The Secret Life of Plants” by Christopher Bird; ** “The Success Principles”, Jack Canfield

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