Millionaires and billionaires do it every day

…and what might that be?   Why meditate of course.

 Meditate? What is that and why would these very successful people do it every day?

 As you’re asking…

Meditation is a practice, using a variety of techniques to develop concentration, focus the mind and bring all of your thought into the NOW  – “this precious, present moment”. The minutes in which I began this post have gone and can never be brought back; the minutes in 2 minutes’ time have yet to arrive. The only time when I can write, when change can take place, when you can choose to do something or not is – NOW.

So often our minds dart about all over the place, like a butterfly, first here, then over there then onto something else. If the mind is in the here and now, one can achieve a more relaxed and centred state and, if that is one’s purpose, a more devout state. However, meditation may or may not be religious, though many of the traditions of the varied practices come from major religious philosophies – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Iranian Baha’i, Judaism and Modern Spiritualty.

If you were asked to think of meditation maybe the image that would come to mind would be of a shaven-headed monk in saffron robes, seated in a full lotus for hours. If like me you could hardly manage a half lotus for a few seconds, you might think, “Well that’s not for me then”, but you would be very wrong. The best place to start to meditate for Westerners is sitting on a firm upright chair, feet comfortably on the ground. You could also lie down on a firm, flat surface or on a recliner. As one teacher says, “Comfort is queen. If you aren’t comfortable you won’t want to do it”.

There are a few myths about meditation, which can deter people from starting.

Let’s look at 5 of those, courtesy of Davidji “Secrets of Meditation” in the next blog.








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