How are you building your new future?

rainbows or black clouds?

Are you happy with all the changes in Westminster or not? While some of the outcomes in the next few months and years is a matter of conjecture, the effect all this turbulence will have on our lives, our businesses, our trades is actually up to us. There may be challenges, there may be new opportunities, it is up to us, you, me, your directors, sales people, HR departments whether our business or Practice continues to grow or not.

It may need changes to be made. Changes made to how “you have always done it “. It may need a change in the philosophy of your company so that you can do things differently and succeed where others have not.

Are you going to continue doing the same old thing and getting the same old results? Or are you going to employ what Bob Proctor*, a multimillionaire motivational speaker and author, calls your higher mental faculties to chart and navigate a new route; perception, reason, memory, will, imagination and intuition?

Don’t allow the doom mongers to create self-fulfilling prophecies. Think instead how you can make this new situation work for you, your workforce, your company and your community in general. Use those faculties to take a measured confident appraisal of things and create in your mind a way forward through the polarities of either/or, black or white, “a rock and a hard place” that will move you through to a place of prosperity for all.

Einstein remarked that a solution to a problem is never found at the level on which a problem was created but at a much higher perspective.

I am not a business coach nor am I advocating you follow what I have written. These are just ideas that came to me when thinking about our new situation and how to overcome/encourage whatever feelings the change in the position of Prime Minister brought up in you. In the end, it is, as it has always been, up to us!

May you prosper and grow.

(*ProctorGallagher Institute. Lots of free videos on You Tube!)

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