Father’s Day Special -a different perspective

This is a picture of a water crystal exposed to the words “love and gratitude”.

This is a photo of a crystal exposed to the word “Fool”.

We are 70 – 80% water. Today on Father’s Day, show love and gratitude to your Father, by saying it to his face or putting words of love and gratitude in a card or on his photo, if he is a long way away or no longer with you. Why would you do that? The words create a vibration of love and harmony that change the shape of the water molecules in his body.

Sounds strange? Well, it is! However, if you read Mr Masaru Emoto’s books, “Messages from Water” vol. 1 and 2 and “Messages from the Water and the Universe”, you will see amazing and persuasive photos.  He has photographed hundreds of crystals formed by freezing water that has been exposed to different circumstances and words.

As you see the crystal of water exposed to “love” is very symmetrical, and beautiful. The photo of water exposed to the word “fool” has disintegrated! Be careful what you say to others and to yourself. Your words have a molecular effect on the physical body.

Today and every day send love and gratitude to everyone you know, especially fathers, but also to mothers, daughters, sons and work colleagues, plus anyone else you think may benefit, including yourself. Think of the beauty and harmony you will be creating around you.

Have a beautiful and harmonious day, week, life.

Wendy Guilfoyle, Health Resolutions.co.uk

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